属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 贝索斯前妻捐半数资产 德国5月失业率飙升 支
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-刀口余生 变性人应该被如何对待(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-IPCC发布全球升温报告 各国要积极应对气候变暖(1)
1 | 他想托病辞职。 | He wished to be relieved of his post on the pretence of ill health | |
2 | 他以身体不佳为借口而避开了。 | He stayed away under the pretext of ill health . | |
3 | 他在临终的前几年患失眠症,健康很差。 | Towards the end of his life he suffered from sleeplessness and ill health | |
4 | 我因健康的缘故不得已才退休了. | I had to retire on medical grounds/on the grounds of ill health ,ie because I was ill. | |
5 | 研究发现悲观者不会很好地照顾自己。他消极被动,不会避开生活中的打击,无论做什么都会担心身体不好或其他灾难降临。 | Research has found that the pessimist doesn’t take good care of himself. Feeling passive and unable to dodge life’s blows, he expects ill health and other misfortunes, no matter what he does. | |
6 | 因健康不佳而被拒绝. | rejected on the score of ill health | |
7 | 因精神病被拘禁者的权利会期工作组 | Sessional Working Group on the Rights of Persons Detained on the Grounds of Mental Ill-Health | |
8 | 因体弱多病所影响的事业. | A career blighted by ill-health | |
9 | 因为事故或“虚惊事件“调查报告中的发现而必须重新进行风险评估或修正风险评估,伤害或疾病事故调查报告可以揭示修改评估的必要性,避免重蹈覆辙. | As a result of the findings of an investigation of an accident or ’near-miss’, Investigation of accidents resulting in injury or ill-health may reveal the need for change in order to prevent similar accidents. | |
10 | 由于身体不好,又为家庭经济状况焦虑,还要为孩子操心,这位可怜的女人终于支持不住了。 | What with ill health , financial worries, anxiety about her children, the poor woman broke down | |
11 | 与病魔作斗争 | Battling against ill health | |
12 | 在伯恩斯-艾伦双档节目中,伯恩斯还插演自己短小的独脚戏。此节目美国电视于1950年首播。此后在大西洋两侧每星期播一次,直到8年后艾伦患病停演。 | Burns had his own monologue spot during the George Burns and Gracie allen Show, which debuted on American television in 1950 and ran weekly on both sides of the Atlantic until allen’s ill health set in, eight years later | |
13 | 曾罹患疾病或健康状况异常的员工;如支气管炎; | workers with pre-existing ill-health; e.g. bronchitis; | |
14 | 注意: 每一个步骤的内容与范围,应视工作场所而定(例如员工数,意外事故纪录,职病记录,使用物料,工作设备,工作内容,工作场所的特性与特殊风险). | Note: The content and extent of each step depend on the conditions at the workplace (e.g. number of workers, accident history ,ill-health record ,work materials ,work equipment ,work activities ,features of the workplace and specific risks). | |
15 | ||1:他的司机写了一本粗糙而详细的关于这位总统的充满活力的私生活的书。他的绰号是:“三分钟,灌洗完毕”(三分钟,包括淋浴)。||2:他无耻地对此毫不在意。||3:最喜欢的祝酒辞是“让我们为我们的女人、我们的马和骑马的人干杯”(“让我们为我们的女人、我们的马和骑马的人干杯”)。||4:对于他的大多数罪行,忠诚的中尉都承担了责任。||5:检察官只是给予了迟来的一击:2011年,他被判犯有渎职罪,被判两年监禁,缓期执行(他以身体不佳为由,拒绝提供证据)。 | ||1:His chauffeur wrote a scabrously detailed book about the president’s energetic private life, for which he was dubbed: "trois minutes, douche comprise" (three minutes, shower included).||2:He was shamelessly unbothered about it.||3:A favourite toast was "Allons boire à nos femmes, à nos chevaux et à ceux qui les mon-tent" ("Let us drink to our women, our horses and those whom ount them").||4:For most of his misdeeds, loyal lieutenants took the rap.||5:Prosecutors landed only one belated blow: in 2011 he was convicted of misconduct in office, with a suspended two-year sentence (he declined to give evidence, pleading ill health ). | |
16 | 阿伦·贾特利因健康问题辞去印度财政部长一职。贾特利监督了莫迪执政期间推行的许多金融改革措施,包括消费税。 | Arun Jaitley stepped down as India’s finance minister because of ill health . Mr Jaitley oversaw many of the financial reforms introduced under the government of Narendra Modi, including a consumption tax. | |
17 | 变性人大多饱受严重心理疾病折磨,但在社会偏见的影响下,他们很难向外界寻求帮助。 | Trans people are often stressed and suffer high levels of mental ill-health, yet the stigma makes it hard for them to find help. | |
18 | 科学家一直都在警告这将恶化气候、增加海洋酸度、增高天气反常频率,并会导致其他地球不健康的症状表现。 | risk adversely affecting the climate, increasing ocean acidity, the frequency of freak weather and other symptoms of planetary ill-health. | |
19 | 然而,就在他与病痛搏斗时,他的均衡之于这门学科变得越来越核心了。 | As he struggled with ill health , however, his equilibrium became more and more central to the discipline. | |
20 | 保加利亚的员工一年请最多的病假,其次是葡萄牙和捷克。 | Workers in Bulgaria took most time off for ill-health, followed by Portugal and the Czech Republic. | |
21 | 毕竟,污染是政治不安定和健康状况不佳的潜在源头。 | Pollution is, after all, a potential source both of political unrest and ill health . | |
22 | 病痛和再次活跃的反对势力迫使首相出局 | Ill health and a newly energised opposition force the prime minister’s exit | |
23 | 不过如果父亲或母亲或双亲因病早亡,也不是说您就不能抵御传承的基因库。 | But just because one or both of your parents died young in ill health doesn’t mean you cannot counteract the genetic pool handed you. | |
24 | 但是对于绝大多数男性而言,当他们面对压力或是患病时,射精会比通常要早。 | But for most men, ejaculation will often be quicker in times of stress or ill health . | |
25 | 东京电力公司表示,遭受过量核辐射的员工并没有表现出健康问题,不过他们将对这些员工进行长期的跟踪观察。 | Tepco said none of those affected have showed signs of ill health , but added that they would need long-term monitoring. | |
26 | 法规限制食品盐含量,可以减少18%的心血管疾病。 | Regulations on salt would reduce cardiovascular ill health by 18 percent. | |
27 | 健康欠佳也许给了当前的危机以毁灭性一击,最终迫使安培窘迫犯错:不明智地选择了辞职时机。 | Ill health may have precipitated the present crisis enforcing Mr Abe’s final blunder: the poor timing of his resignation. | |
28 | 杰克逊宣布推迟伦敦巡演日期的消息,暗示了他的健康状况不佳。 | Intimations of ill-health came when he delayed the opening of his London tour. | |
29 | 她把他的坏脾气归咎于健康不佳。属性资数据 | She attributed his bad temper to ill health . | |
30 | 金正日身体欠佳,再加上迟迟才把自己默默无闻的三儿子推为继位人,这让朝鲜的前途变得更加难以预料。 | Mr Kim’s own ill-health, and a belated bid to install his unknown third son as dauphin, only heighten uncertainty. |